02 October 2011

The Other Side

Once, I was a Pilgrim.  Green and uncertain of what was about to happen to me. Now, I've graduated and been on my fourth day adventures.  Last night, I was on the other side of a momentous night in the life of every pilgrim. If you have not been a participant in this event, it is difficult to describe what it feels like.

I will, however, attempt to describe what it feels like on the other side.  It is anxious anticipation. You know what you saw and felt as a pilgrim.  You wonder if the newest pilgrims will see and feel the same as you. 

As I type and edit this blog, I flash back to a month and half ago to my special event. I have to hold back tears of joy. I decided not to reveal any of the details as it may dampen the experience for those who have yet to go on a Walk to Emmaus.  I will say this, life is not the same as the pilgrims continue through their journey into their fourth day.  

The journey of the Walk to Emmaus is on-going. Each pilgrim grows in their walk with Jesus in his or her own way. If you have not been privileged to be a part of this experience and would like to be, I encourage you to seek out information from your local church community.  If they do not have any information, then visit this link to learn more. 


Lynn Hallbrooks

27 September 2011

Some things I learned in Church

In an attempt to rejuvenate the membership, there are changes going on at the little church on Hughes Street.  One example is using a computer projector and screen.  Sunday's spiritual message (also a new addition) was about "10 rules for Life".  I tried to find the exact URL link that was on the screen with a Google search but no luck.  I did find out that it's from a book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules by Cherie Carter-Scott. Then,I found an excerpt which includes the ten rules on scribd.com, a place that I've only recently learned about myself. 

The sermon this Sunday was from the book of James, second chapter, verses 1 through 7:

My brothers and sisters,* do you with your acts of favouritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?* 2For if a person with gold rings and in fine clothes comes into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, 3and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, ‘Have a seat here, please’, while to the one who is poor you say, ‘Stand there’, or, ‘Sit at my feet’,* 4have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts? 5Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters.* Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? 6But you have dishonoured the poor. Is it not the rich who oppress you? Is it not they who drag you into court? 7Is it not they who blaspheme the excellent name that was invoked over you?

New Revised Standard Version (Anglicized Edition)

The main points that I took away from the sermon were that Jesus didn't discriminate against anyone. As a human, Jesus still sought out the ones who were less fortunate. On the other hand, the so call followers that James was writing to were prejudice towards those without wealth. 

Our pastor touched on three different forms of Prejudice. They are Economical, Racial and Educational.  How do I relate these things to myself (for I cannot speak for others)? Well, I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and beyond.  Racial prejudice...I don't judge people by their covers.  If anything, I have more of a conflict with personalities.  The Educational prejudice for me came more into play in my previous career.  Somehow, I managed to get through 30 years without even an Associates degree.  My current career, it might have helped to have more English and Literature classes behind me but I seem to hold my own.  

One other note that our pastor touched on was that up until relatively recent times, the church was responsible for "the widows and orphans".  Then the government was tasked with it.  My little church does what it can to support the local food bank.  My friends help me directly. God bless them for that. 

My question to you is...do you discriminate or find yourself prejudice in some way?  If so, do you think that is something that Jesus would approve of? 


Lynn Hallbrooks

18 September 2011

Dee Henderson's books

I'm sure many of you know by now that I'm an author by profession. I also love to read.  I haven't done it quite as often as I should have over the years.  Now that I'm living with my friend who is a librarian by profession as well as an avid book lover, I find myself in the middle of a large home library.  I've learned to expand my reading comfort zone.  My friend recommended to me the Uncommon Heroes books by Dee Henderson.  She says, you'll like them...they are about the military.  She was both right and wrong...I didn't like the books, I loved them. 

The first one was a Christian fiction book that talked about of all people...Navy SEALs as Christian men.  It blew me away. Sure, I was in the military and I was around Christian people in the military.  It just never occurred to me that Navy SEALs might be considered leading a Christian life style. It even seemed that much less of a chance of them being much of a romantic.  It did occur to Ms. Henderson and for that I'm grateful.  It lead me to reading more and more of her books out of my friend's library.  

The book that I just finished is God's Gift. As with all of Ms. Henderson's novels, there is a life obstacle in the path of the main characters. This obstacle has them talking to God and even questioning what God has planned for them.  Who among us, hasn't done that at least once in our own life.  

Another fairly consistent thing that I see in all of Ms. Henderson's books is the pairing of the romantic lead characters.  At first they seem so different from one another that it makes you wonder how this relationship will ever work out.  Sometimes the characters don't really like one another at the beginning but something changes their opinions.  Other times the characters like one another but have had a past that makes them resistant to risking love.  I most certainly can relate to that one.  It is hard to move forward when you cling to what might have been.   

Mostly what makes the books truly Christian is the use of scriptures that one or more of the characters find or quote to help them through their trials.  It is a reminder to the rest of us that when we find ourselves in need of an answer there is one book that we can always turn to. 

I truly believe Ms. Henderson possesses one of God's Gifts...an awesome ability to write so an everyday believer can become embroiled in a true Christian relationship.  One not only between two people but between humans and their Heavenly Father, to whom she gives great credit for her works.


Lynn Hallbrooks

30 August 2011

Writing about Grace!

My co-author and I are Christians.  Meaning we believe in the existence of God and His Son Jesus Christ.  Throughout our book our characters pray at very appropriate times. But though we are Christians, our book is not considered a Christian Fiction.  

That being said, I am amazed at how differently I view the passages that I co-wrote almost a year ago.  For example, two of our characters are discussing an incident that happened earlier in the book.  I'm not going to explain exactly what they are talking about but know that it was something which not everyone would have survived.  But the entire team survived despite the odds. 

Mac says, “…that was by the Grace of God, not by any human here on Earth. He knows we are warriors for justice.”

Emily says, “I truly believe you are correct. I do not see how anyone else could have survived what all of you have seen and done if you weren't Graced by God.”

I'm sure there are pages upon pages on the Internet or Christian books that explain the meaning of Grace on a theological level.  During Emmaus, we were taught the different types of Grace.  But what I'm talking about today is the basic believe that many have that God protects His people. Maybe some of those people feel they are chosen.  Others feel blessed that they are alive and know that it was not by their own doing or as Mac says, "...no human here on Earth." 

So please ask yourself, do believe in God's Grace?  Have you seen God's Grace in your own life?  Have you seen it in someone else's life?

Please feel free to share but remember this is a public forum.


Lynn Hallbrooks

24 August 2011

Crossing over

So I'm going through our book, Call Sign: Wrecking Crew (Storm Warning) when I find this particular section: 

Mac says, “Rev, who do you think Jesus Christ hung out with; the Pharisees and the Sadducees or the common folks?”

“According to the Bible, he mostly visited the common folks.”

“So where do you think some of them hung out?”

“I get your point. It doesn’t mean I have to like it though.”

Since, I don't wish to give too much of the book away, I left out the reason for this conversation.  The excerpt does go to show that as Christians, sometimes we have to go somewhere that doesn't feel right to us. 

I'm not talking about unsafe but more like unsavory.  Sure it is easier to hang around with the people who are the so-called "churched".  On the other hand, how do you expect to make a difference if you don't go to where the so-called "unchurched" go.  I'm not advocating going to every bar or street corner looking for the lost souls.  Nor am I saying go on Missionary trips...unless that is where you want to be. 

What I am saying is if life takes you somewhere...maybe that's where you are needed to be. If you have time...do pray about it to make sure that you are indeed following the right path.  If indeed the Holy Spirit is tapping you on the shoulder, then don't be shy...Go with God.



23 August 2011

Hurricanes and Earthquakes Oh My!

This blog goes out to my Sisters and Brothers living on the East Coast this week.  The verse in Matthew 24:7 registered in my brain.  I went to look it up.  It really isn't relevant.  I believe that I read or heard that those references referred to the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem.   

I did find it ironic when I saw a tweeter message from the American Red Cross which said that while they were trying to prepare for Hurricane Irene, they felt the rumble.  So they posted information for Earthquake preparedness.  

Meteorology isn't an exact science so the best thing that we can do is pray for everyone.



20 August 2011

Helping others on their journey

Today, the theme that keeps coming to my mind is: Helping Others.  Helping others tends to my natural state of being.  It is something I do without thinking really. 
So I did a Google Searched and came up with this link:   http://www.openbible.info/topics/helping_others

From this link I picked two verses that I think apply to how I've been feeling on this subject:

Galatians 6:2 ESV (same in NRSV)

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Philippians 2:4 ESV (similar to NRSV)

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Bearing one another burdens...not always a good thing for long periods of time but temporarily until the person can get stabilized...that is good because we all can use that kind of help at some point.

When we look only at our own interests...I think we become self-centered.   When we look out for the interests of others then we can help out and maybe we'll be helped out in the process.

I have a feeling Satan doesn't want me to share these thoughts with you.  Someone or something keeps putting obstacles in my path.  But I did complete what I feel is my thoughts for today and put them out for you my Brothers and Sisters in Christ to see.


18 August 2011

Being Authentic

One of the things that has stuck with me from my Emmaus Walk is being Authentic.  I take it to mean, don't try to be somebody who aren't meant to be.  Be yourself...preferably your kind and courtesy self but being yourself just the same.  I find that freeing because I'm not like most people.  I've been told many times that I think and act on a different plane of existence.

The reason for this is because I've experienced things that have influenced the way I think and act.  My own children, who come from the same parents...don't even think or act the same.  My son can do math in his head and thinks it is unnecessary to show his work.  As for me...give me a calculator or pencil and paper...I might have an answer eventually.  Does it mean that either one of us is wrong.  No, it means he is blessed with Mathematical abilities that I don't have.  Does it make him any less lovable.  Not to me or to God, it doesn't.   

I see my Authentic Christian Self  as a combination of my two worlds.  I'm a co-author and chief PR person for our book.  Having learned these skills in last few months, I thought the best way for me to continue to praise and worship on a daily basis is to start a blog.  Then I could choose a topic of interest and share it with others...hoping that eventually it will help someone else on their spiritual journey.  I help fellow authors all the time, so it is a natural extension of my working self. 

One of my fellow authors wrote her biography called, Falling into The Lord's Hands by Violet Yates.  Violet and I became fast friends...we didn't know much about each other but we felt a connection even through cyberspace.  My grandmother had that sixth sense about people she met in person.  I think I have that sixth sense on-line as well as in person to some degree.  

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love to give Hugs.  Through some other on-line friends I've learned to give cyber-hugs by using parentheses. 


17 August 2011

My story

It's time for me to share a little bit about myself.  I've been told that I was born in a Catholic Hospital in Elmira, New York.  My mother was Catholic but not a practicing one...at least not as far back as I can recall.  My parents divorced but my father got us kids.  All I will say about that is, it was a big mistake on somebody's part. I did attend a few different churches and religions in my younger days and my father didn't oppose the idea.  So I guess you might call that Prevenient Grace.

During High School my father insisted that I take JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) which is where I met some of my dear friends that I still have today.  After High School, I went into the Air Force. One night during basic training I had a dream that I would meet a tall, dark, and handsome man.  I woke up wanting to go to California.  So I did...and I was stationed at Castle Air Force Base where a few days later I met my future husband.  For me it was love at first sight.  He was the person that I needed in my life to help me get through some issues with my father.  

We lived together and as nature would have it I became pregnant with his child.  Eventually we got married on the base by a chaplain that I knew through work.  Our son was born on the base a week or so later.  My husband's parents wanted our son to be Baptized.  I didn't have a problem with that at all.  My husband's best friend became our son's Godfather.  

About a year later, I found that I was pregnant with our second child. During this pregnancy, I had a change of bases.  This time to Bergstrom Air Force Base near Austin, Texas.  A few months later, our daughter was born in a Catholic Hospital in Austin.  When time came, she also was Baptized. 

Mind you we were not members of this church but my husband's parents were.  We didn't start going to church on a regular basis until we moved to Richardson, Texas and lived a few blocks from my husband's parents house.  So naturally, we went to church on a regular basis.  When we joined the church, I thought that I had been Baptized when I was little.  I didn't find out until later that I wasn't.  So I went to the classes and I was Baptized on the Saturday before Easter. A short time later I went to Disciple I classes. I liked them so much that I went to Disciple II and Disciple III classes.  Plus for awhile I was in the Church Choir.

As the kids grew I became more involved with their activities like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. By the time the kids were teenagers they were involved in Explorer Scouts then Venturing Crew where I was their Assistant Leader.  Lord knows how I managed all of this and went to work full time but I did. 

The one thing that I failed to realize was that my husband was pulling away.  Not as involved with the children's activities as I was.  I attributed it to his working alot.  Now, I could do a whole lot of blaming myself but as it turns out things weren't all they seemed to be.  He never did love me enough to sustain him through the trials and tribulations of everyday life.  He asked me for a divorce.  Which eventually did happen.  During all of this I fell away from the church.  I was never actually shunned but I felt as though I had been.

After the divorce was final.  I didn't want to be in church any where. I didn't want to have to explain the shame I was feeling.  As life progressed and a few of God's love taps with a two by four, I finally made my mind up to live with my friends and become a member of their church.  In doing that I was given the great privilege of becoming a pilgrim at the Texoma Walk to Emmaus #75 where I made many new friends that I call Sisters.

That's my story.  I hope to be able to share more journeys in the future.


16 August 2011


Since three of my Spiritual Sisters saw a rainbow in the last couple of days, I thought I would start with the bible verse regarding Rainbows. 

I found this link that included the bible verse I was looking for:

Then I placed the verse in Google for a NRSV 
(New Revised Standard Version) to post from this link: http://www.devotions.net/bible/00bible.htm

12God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: 13I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, 15I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.16When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.'

I think God was reminding my Sisters that he forgives us and loves us. I certainly think he has washed some of my sins away.  I'm thankful for my new Sisters. I'm thankful for my renew Spirituality.

"This is the Day that the Lord has made;  Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24 NRSV

Special thanks and hugs to my new Sisters: Ginger, Kelli, and Sandra.

Fourth Day

Welcome to my new blog.  It is going to be my personal journal for my Christian Self.  

It is my hope that this will serve a dual purpose. First to help me to express openly about my own feelings and beliefs with other like-minded individuals.  I will refrain from revealing my private, sensitive information for web bots to pick up.  I will however, express where I am on my new journey towards being a better Christian.

Secondly, I hope that others might learn something from my experiences and feel free to share some of their own.  Again, since this is not a closed forum, I do not suggest disclosing to much information of a personal nature.

For my brothers and sisters in Christ that have taken a walk to Emmaus.  You know what this title means.  For those that do not...well we will discuss that another time.

De Colores,
