02 October 2011

The Other Side

Once, I was a Pilgrim.  Green and uncertain of what was about to happen to me. Now, I've graduated and been on my fourth day adventures.  Last night, I was on the other side of a momentous night in the life of every pilgrim. If you have not been a participant in this event, it is difficult to describe what it feels like.

I will, however, attempt to describe what it feels like on the other side.  It is anxious anticipation. You know what you saw and felt as a pilgrim.  You wonder if the newest pilgrims will see and feel the same as you. 

As I type and edit this blog, I flash back to a month and half ago to my special event. I have to hold back tears of joy. I decided not to reveal any of the details as it may dampen the experience for those who have yet to go on a Walk to Emmaus.  I will say this, life is not the same as the pilgrims continue through their journey into their fourth day.  

The journey of the Walk to Emmaus is on-going. Each pilgrim grows in their walk with Jesus in his or her own way. If you have not been privileged to be a part of this experience and would like to be, I encourage you to seek out information from your local church community.  If they do not have any information, then visit this link to learn more. 


Lynn Hallbrooks


  1. Very cool :) I bet it is exciting to see the people who are just starting out, and know that you have something to offer them as they come through their own experience!

  2. Yes, it is very cool. People were there for me and the rest of my new sisters. I felt the need to be there for my new brothers in Christ too.

    Texoma Emmaus alternates between Women's Walks and Men's walks. Last night was a Men's walk.
